Not necessarily related to a particular state or location, but valuable information nevertheless.
My wife and I are spending a couple of weeks on the South Carolina coast at Pawleys Plantation after our son’s marriage in Vero Beach, FL a week ago. As you might expect in February, the weather...
If you are a long-time golfer, you have surely stumbled across golf courses that wowed you beyond expectations – most likely because you had no expectations. That feeling of serendipity and...
We are set to publish our first Home On The Course newsletter of the new decade, and it is one of our most feature-packed communications of the last decade. We look back at the years that followed...
We are a ranking-crazy nation, especially this time of the year when multiple organizations rate college football teams. (What an entertaining game LSU vs Alabama was this past Saturday!). Search online...
The finishing hole at The Ranch in Southwick, MA, plays straight downhill, and if you catch your drive well, you will have a short approach to the 400+ yard par 4. Quality of play aside, the...
There is no better time to play golf in New England than the six weeks from mid-September to the end of October (assuming no early winter which, in New England, you can never assume). The nights are...
My round of golf at Berkleigh Country Club in Kutztown, PA, started with three pars, about as good a kickoff to a round as I can muster these days. I was playing by myself, and as I prepared for a...
The first thing to get out of the way for a couple searching for a golf community home is topography. Do you want to live at the coast, in the mountains or somewhere in between (e.g. lake or...
Yesterday, I played the private Rockrimmon Country Club course that straddles the border between Connecticut and New York. I don’t know any member there, nor did I talk my way onto the course by...
I played two rounds of golf recently that put the Bryson Dechambeau pace of play debate in perspective for me. One round I played in 4 ½ hours, the other in just under 4 hours. Ironically, the...
I have been diagnosed with something called “trigger finger” in the middle digit of my right hand. I had never heard of it before, but when I started mentioning it to friends and fellow golfers, I...
Clients looking for a golf-oriented home for their retirement years come in two general categories: One comprises those who know it when they see it. The other includes those who, when they see it, always...