Best holes in the Carolinas: One group's opinion

    In one colorful and interesting sitting, you can see why so many golfers choose to spend their vacations and retirement years in the Carolinas.  A small panel of experienced golf writers and players have posted their consensus choices of their favorite 18 holes at the CarolinaLiving web site.  Although favorite anything can be a matter of great subjectivity, we think the panel generally got it right.  We've played many of the courses whose holes they salute, and there isn't a clunker among them. 
    If anything, there may be a sin of omission or two.  The panel selected no representative holes from Harbour Town, Governor's Club or Old Chatham (in the Chapel Hill area), Wade Hampton (Cashiers), Caledonia or Pawleys Plantation (Pawleys Island) or myriad other viable candidates.  It was a tough task, and we don't envy the challenge.  Wait a minute; we do envy the challenge; they must have played all those great golf courses they did select. 
    Take a look for yourself by clicking here or by visiting

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