Golf courses in Scotland are considered essentially public land. On every course we played, including the Old Course at St. Andrews, we saw people walking their dogs, often across fairways. They never got in the way.
I've just about run out of material about our weeklong stay in Scotland (no applause necessary). Here are a few final thoughts, although I will share more photos of the courses we played in the coming days. (Note: Click on small photos for larger versions and captions.)
Bad drives...It took 60 years, but I finally had the experience of driving on the wrong side of the road (apologies to any Brits reading this who think we Yanks drive on the
No escaping the Donald...It is bad enough we have to endure Trump on billboards and TV promos and newscasts here in the States, but to find him the big story in
American spoken here...but not Japanese. At the Old and New Courses in St. Andrews, we heard a lot of American accents, belying the current exchange rate imbalance. Subtract the caddies, and we heard more American than Scottish. Beside the first tee I overheard a few obviously well-heeled Yanks -- you could tell by their bag tags from upscale U.S. courses -- comparing all the world's great courses they had played. As we moved to the lesser-known but outstanding courses of Crail and Lundin, I heard a smattering of German and French accents on the practice greens. I was surprised not to see anywhere the world's most passionate golf travelers, the Japanese and Koreans.
A wee bit about Shanks...Virtually every locker room at every course we played in Scotland featured urinals and toilets made by Armitage Shanks, a major porcelain

Out of phase...Five hours doesn't really seem like much, but the time difference between the Isles and the east coast of the U.S. is always a bit disorienting. I was forced to pre-set my lineups days in advance for my fantasy baseball league. We didn't read many newspapers or watch much television in Scotland, except for the exciting and splendid Euro Cup football (soccer) matches, so we weren't up on much news, and certainly none from the U.S. It was therefore a shock to fire up our laptops at the Bean Scene in St. Andrews, about the only place with an internet connection, to find that Tim Russert, the NBC political correspondent, had died...and then, a day or two later, George Carlin. The news would have been shocking if we had been home, but somehow the distance from home made it more so. My worries about my fantasy baseball team suddenly seemed small indeed.
Food for thought...The Scots still haven't quite caught onto the dining out thing, although all evidence is that the food in Scotland is way better than it is alleged to have been just a few years ago. We queued up for fish and chips at the legendary

The simple life...If Americans were faced with the enormity of the taxes the Brits pay -- income tax up to 40%, a national health insurance tax that begins at 11% and a value added tax of 17.5% on all goods and services -- we would probably start the 21st Century equivalent of the Boston Tea Party. We'd complain as well about the waits for doctor's appointments and surgery in the National Health system. And if you think we have an immigration "problem" in the States, spend a little time in London where the doors are wide open to the outside world and even the stiffest upper lips are starting to quiver. And yet, in Scotland and London, everyone we met seemed quite content with their lot in life, despite the comparable shortfall in worldly possessions and entertainment options (compared with Americans). The standard form of entertainment in the UK seems to be get-togethers among friends and family in homes or in the many beautiful parks. And everyone walks a lot, especially on the golf courses. In a week of golf in Scotland, I saw only two electric carts. On the quality-of-life scale, the people of Scotland and England don't seem to be taxed at all.
It was not easy to leave our temporary home in the quaint fishing village of Crail, just nine miles from St. Andrews and just one mile from the fabulous 36 holes at the Crail Golfing Society.
-- Article and photos by Larry Gavrich