The following was posted on the discussion board at  "I too am thinking about relocating to the Beaufort (SC) area.  Where I live in the northeastern part of Florida is very crowded and getting worse.  I  am not looking for the backcountry woods, I just would like a place that is not growing quite so fast and a place where the people don't seem to want to run over you in the grocery store or on the road."
    Quick, what's the first course that comes to mind when you hear the word "Pinehurst?"  Pinehurst #2?  One of the other numbered courses? Maybe Pine Needles or Mid-Pines, the Ross classics?  Most of us plebes wouldn't think of Forest Creek.  And, apparently, the club and its members like it that way, tossing around the notion of "exclusive" the way Paris Hilton tosses down...well, we won't go there. 
    All this is to say that we were stunned and excited recently when we noticed one of those little Google ads for Forest Creek on a Wilmington, NC, real estate company's site.  We thought maybe the club that counts Michael Jordan as a member was going a little more prole.  We clicked on the ad and were taken to the forest green colored (clever) Forest Creek web site.  We hit the "Enter" button and didn't hit the "Skip Intro" button because the two shots of the golf course were as gorgeous as a 2-iron to 10 feet.  We hungered for more shots of the renowned Fazio design but, alas, our hopes were dashed. 
    Country club web sites tend to pour it on thick, with paeans to their golf pros, clubhouses, members, amenities and on and on.  But Forest Creek is not like any other golf club, and its web site is not like any other web site.  We had but two options to proceed:  Either sign in with our membership password (we don't have one) or call a phone number in Pinehurst to speak with a membership representative.  It was not a toll-free number either. 
    If you have to ask how much, you probably can't afford it.  Oh yes, the web site is  Please send photos.